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Custom Plastic Keychains as Fund Raisers for Non Profits

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Lets be frank about it! Keychains are  mundane, everyday items that people use  for holding keys. However, they can be effectively used in fund raising  and charitable campaigns. Keychains  have evolved to be  a lot more than mere accessories for holding keys!

Limitless models

The fascinating evolution that keychains  have undergone in the recent past is commendable indeed. Over the years, keychains started  to adopt more complex and  diverse material designs. Instead of being just practical items, keychains have become aesthetically significant items that offer ample room for personal expression and identity.

Small giveaways with incredible branding power

Whether it’s a keyring representing a favorite sports team or one that stands for a social cause, these little accessories have turned into powerful symbols and miniature branding tools that amplify the reach of businesses.


Easy Distribution

Probably what makes custom plastic keychains a marketerā€™s delight is its ease of distribution. Light weight and compact, keychains are easy to distribute in diverse ways thereby increasing the potential touch points with the public. For instance, they make great giveaways during community events , trades shows and  fundraisers. In addition, they make great mailer items as well, which will not just impress the recipients but also serve as a continual reminder of the social cause. People will only be happy to purchase these low cost items to support the cause and express their social commitment.

Budget friendly

Keychains have a very low price tag, which makes them an ideal hand out to spread awareness or raise funds. Keychains will typically  cost even less when ordered in large quantities. You can also choose keytags of various material choices to suit your budget. For instance, if you have a modest budget, plastic keychains will be perfect. If you have  money to splurge, choose big ticket models like leather keychains or metal keychains among others.  It will give a lot of options even for charity organizations with budget constraints.

High ROI

Keychains have a high return on investment thanks to its high retention and high practical value. Your brand will get consistent impressions for a long time at one time investment. In other words, marketers will get assured return on investment when they invest in custom keychains. Being cost effective plastic keychains also make a great choice for mass events like trade shows and mailer campaigns.

High Usability

Keychains are not just promotional items that people receive and forget; but make high utility objects people use in their daily life. Most people have at least 3-4 keychains in their possession for their home, office  or car keys, making these items highly visible and useful. This constant interaction will make sure that your message will remain on top of their minds Unlike  traditional promotional items like a leaflet or brochure that fail to make  a lasting impression as they get   discarded, keychains make a long lasting item.

Its long shelf life make them a long-term reminder for your cause. It will thus engage more people with the cause by spreading the word or encouraging them to donate or volunteer.

How do you think plastic keychains will make a great items for fund raising events?

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