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Custom Floating Keychains- Keep Both Your Brand And Keys Afloat

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To stay ahead in the choppy waters of the competitive business world, you may need custom gifts that will never shy away from putting your brand on a proud display. Check out these interesting floating keychains that will make a great gift idea for the warm summer days and all those pool parties and fishing holidays. Just like your floatation devices will keep you safe in waters, these floating keychains will keep the keys safe and well organized. Your recipients will surely remember your business when they see these functional gifts that will keep their important keys safe even if they drop it in the lake and prevent them from getting locked out.


Custom duck shaped bottle opener keychains are great to promote your marina, swimming club, or other water related businesses as everyone in your gift list is going to be really impressed with these floating keychains. Light weight and buoyant , these bottle opener animal keychains will even come handy when you are in a mood to pop the top of your favorite drinks even when you are in the middle of the pool! It is a perfect promotional gift for budget marketers who wish to attract large segment of customers during tradeshows or exhibitions. Choose from a range of solid color tones to get your message across.Customized Duck Shape Bottle Opener Animal Keychains

Take your brand to your customers as easily as duck takes to water with these custom keychainsĀ that are designed to turn heads. Put your brand and message on these and see how these logo items will set off an interesting conversation among your recipients. Interestingly the more you order, the more will be your cash savings. With your brand floating on the water, your recipients will remember who saved their keys and their day too.

Keychains have always been one of the most popular promotional items always because everyone needs atleast a couple of keytags for keeping their keys safe and well organized. Imprint your brand and message on these custom promotional items and see how logo keychains will take your brand wherever your recipients go. Keychains have one of the lowest costs per impressions, which make them especially well suited for mass promotions like tradeshows and mailer campaigns.

If you have been looking for a keychain that doubles up as an interesting floating toy and a bottle opener all at once, look no further than these custom keychains, which will make your brand the talk of the town literally.

Have you used floating keychains in your promotions before? If yes, we would love to hear from you about your experience.

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